Join us for our brand new real estate webinar giving you the latest legal updates facing the real estate sector.

In this 60-minute webinar our sector experts will give you a snapshot about the latest legal updates covering competition, litigation, finance, regulatory, HR, tax and construction - all relevant for the real estate sector. The session will also allow time for Q&A.

Key Topics of Discussion

  • Real Estate
  • Construction – Building safely Act – what's next and JCT 2024 – what to expect
  • Competition
  • Employment – recent and upcoming changes in employment law including introduction of Carer’s Leave, changes to maternity protection in a redundancy situation, changes to working time and TUPE
  • Finance – the use of restructuring plans in a real estate context, including insights from recent case study
  • Litigation – Reasonable v Best Endeavours – case update and recent transactional case law overview
  • Tax – general summary of recent changes including the recent abolition of MDR,, changes to CIS on landlord to tenant payments, various new fund structures under discussion and changes in the UK/Lux treaty
  • Intellectual Property & Technology – the upcoming Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
  • Regulatory – the new UK Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and Anti-Greenwashing Rule

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